The Troll Variations
for a soloist
Tom Duff
Reload for a new version!


This piece is for a soloist playing any instrument.

Alternate sections are marked Say and Play. The Say sections are spoken or sung to an improvised tune in a stentorian and condescending manner, as a traffic court judge lecturing a recidivist speeder. Read as though the text makes perfect sense, even though its grammar and meaning may make sudden, unexpected turns.

The Play sections use an ordinary five-line staff with oval note heads () interspersed with diamond () and cross () note heads. Play in a manner that contrasts with the lecturer's attitude. Be mocking or solicitous or calm or resigned or anything else appropriate.

You can play in concert with other performers, who may play other versions of this piece, or other any other materials, composed or improvised. When playing with others, the Say sections should be performed as disruptively as possible, and the Play sections should be played sensitively, with utmost regard to enhancing the performance of the other players.


Say: What "name"?


Say: Do you consider it to be pointlessly argumentative?


Say: Does it matter, or are you tossing in another irrelevancy to be convinced.


Say: Even composers can be perpetuated.


Say: On the contrary, he just admitted to posting "bait".


Say: Does it matter, or are you tossing in another irrelevancy to be "classical music", but also that others might not consider it to death. Does that mean the powers that be do not share the dislike that some do at least one. Wouldn't be surprised if there were others. Some transcribers will do a watered-down version for younger musicians.


Say: You're erroneously presupposing the existence of a composer of classical music" thread.


Say: Then what needs work is your power of deductive reasoning.


Say: That's your problem, given that I turned on me..."


Say: The evidence that your reply was made.


Say: On the contrary, it's quite relevant.


Say: The address had jbayer in it. What is "coctail chatter"?


Say: There are lots of "another thread"s in which the discussion has been on every post of mine.


Say: Why don't you find "that many" violins to be perpetrated on the same forces involved, though usually in greater numbers, the most likely difference being saxophones.


Say: Threats are irrelevant. Hypocrites don't get very far.


Say: Many times. Apparently the people who have heard of you. How ironic.


Say: So why did you claim that I was there just last August. I've seen the CD in record stores here. But for the main cultural event, the organizers of the "Best American composer of classical music" thread.


Say: No claim will obviate the fact that the Moon is made of green cheese."


Say: Note: no response.


Say: Yes you did; look at the same kind of horse as Jim.


Say: I compared the *structure* to the work also do not use strings constantly. What most composers over the centuries have done is biased by the solo jumps from instrument to instrument or section to section. My reference to Graham Chapman.


Say: Maybe I do understand.


Say: On the contrary, the length of another piece that is the "Fantasy Variations"?


Say: What alleged "cards"?


Say: Gee, so do I.


Say: I'm still waiting for you would constitute evidence of my argument is allegedly clear about someone who lacks a logical response. Obviously it was "good"?


Say: You answered your own question if it wasn't rhetorical? You ask the guy question. Answer it yourself. Sure sounded like rhetoric to me.


Say: Doe cannot win an argument can be perpetuated.


Say: On what basis do you call it "crap"? Don't trot out the PBS video. Packed London house.


Say: May I recommend some of the piece. Both works are longer than the average non-professional wind musician has better intonation than the so-called "masterwork". Obviously length isn't the criterion.
