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Tom's Place
a d v e n t u r o u s m u s i c c o m e s h o m e
Simon says, “Improvise!”
e i g e n v e c t o r s @ g m a i l . c o m
3111 Deakin Street, Berkeley CA
Company Style
Company Week was the title of a series of roughly annual week-long events organized in London
by Derek Bailey, the first in 1977 at Cafe Oto.
For a Company Week, Bailey would gather a group of roughly 9 to 11 musicians
who would play in various combinations during the week.
Our Company-style events compress a similar experience into a
single night.
We invite a group of musicians for the evening, and a ringmaster calls out subgroups
who play together (necessarily for a short duration, so we can fit
a good number of groupings into the time available).